Tuesday, August 31, 2010

homework. homework. homework.

So I had a fun weekend, but payed for it Sunday and Monday night with all the homework I had to do. It was actually really frustrating to learn that I had to do three different write ups for the production of Merry Wives, for three different classes with same professor. And it was really funny when that said professor's husband canceled the mid-term for his class and just moved up the final one week. You would think after almost forty years of marriage he would rub off on her.
Saturday night Kinsey, Adilene, and I took our new friend Marcos to get frozen yogurt and then we all walked around for awhile. He is from the Canary Islands and left Sunday morning, but had never had frozen yogurt. We may have talked it up too much for him, but he still liked it. We also found out he had never had cookie dough. Which brought us to the discovery that England doesn't have premade cookie dough!! We went into Tesco's and the guy looked at Adilene like she was crazy when she asked. That really amazes me, and saddens me. Again, Sunday was a homework day and Monday was a tired day. (though I got an A on my intro to theatre mid term!) Oh and Sunday night I got to skype with Melinda and last night with Joana. :)
Tonight I went with the Shakespeare class to the Globe to see Comedy of Errors, which was quite hilarious. When I cam back into my room I noticed that my desk was organized, my bed made, and my clothes picked up off the ground and organized in my closet. I guess that's what happens when you have an OCD roommate with not enough homework. (Jessica, not Kinsey). Hey, I don't hate it. We'll see how long it stays that way. I'll probably try for a day or so just because that's mean if I didn't. Well it's off to bed for me. Only two more days of classes for the week!

Picture: At Yog with Marcos, Adilene, and Kinsey

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