Friday, August 13, 2010

Hamlet. House of Horror.

So I just saw the best play I have ever seen tonight. It was a rendition of Hamlet, described as a vaudeville-musical version. It was a little longer than an hour so they cut a lot out and the script was changed a bit. But it was amazing. We were packed in with no more than 50 people in the second story of a pub, watching this play. The music was performed with no more than two maybe three instruments at a time and the characters singing. And the songs were composed and written by the director and two of the actors. I love the play Hamlet anyways and this rendition was amazing. I wish I could watch it again and again. The music really made it. The gravedigger was funny, just like in the play and philosophical as well. It on the whole was actually pretty philosophical, like Carl was talking about after. There were things mentioned about death and what happens when you die. Ultimately the ending was changed with the mother living. Carl said something interesting about that- he said that she was left in utter misery with everyone she loved dead. And she could have done something about it, if she wasn't so eager to keep her power, to marry Claudius, to not listen to Hamlet. Again it was great and I can't stop raving about it and I wish there was somewhere I could get the music from it.

On another note I went to go see the changing of the guard today and it started raining pretty hard. Not to mention a police made us get off a wall we were sitting on to see right before it started to we couldn't see that much. After I went to John Wesley's chapel and house. That is the site that I have to do presentation on. It is seriously so boring. I mean the history is interesting, but the actual place is boring. It's free so you don't waste your money, but kind of your time. I don't know what I'm going to do for my interactive presentation. Luckily that isn't until the fifteenth of September.

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