Thursday, August 5, 2010

Welcome to Thebes

Tonight we got to go see a play called Welcome to Thebes at the Royal National Theatre. We "hoofed" it there, as Ronda would say. And by hoofed she meant practically jog. We looked all nice before we left and arrived all sweaty...and I wasn't the only one, I swear.
Full of feminism, politics, social justice, the play ended in emotional exhaustion. But it gave the audience so much to think about. It was about the impoverished country, Thebes, who just got out of a civil war and had an election and were asking the big, wealthy, democratic nation-Athens- for help. Sound familiar? It was a modern play with Greek names and twists. The women had won peace in Thebes and were in charge. It was actually a really sad play though because everything just kept going wrong and through the whole thing I just kept wanting something to work out. In the end, the first citizen of Athens (who as one commenter said, was a mix of Obama and Tony Blaire and was definitely correct in that statement) agreed to help Thebes and have another conference in Athens about their situation. But it ended with Tiresius (another Greek twist thrown in...he is a prophet of the gods in many Greek tragedies) speaking a warning that Athens would also have its end. I came out of the play emotional exhausted and just tired. But I did enjoy it. We bought a few books in the book store that we needed for class and then since everyone else had left- Jessica, Laurel, Wendy and I found our way back home on the tube.
Late night and tomorrow Laurel and I and whoever else are going to Kings crossing to take turns wearing her gryffindor scarf and taking a picture at Platform 9 & 3/4! Then in the afternoon we are off to the Imperial War Museum. But it's Friday so who knows what a Friday night in London will bring!


  1. scarf? thats its... man, go ALLZOUT and get an owl.

  2. dude you're right. There is a stuffed owl that looks like hedwig in the Natural History Museum..we should steal it. haha
