Friday, August 6, 2010

Busy day.

This morning after breakfast a bunch of us took the tube to King's Cross and took pictures with the little shopping cart at Platform 9 3/4. By the way to make it more accessible for tourists, we assume, it is actually between 8 and 9. Needless to say we couldn't find it at first. And it was apparent because some worker asked the five confused looking girls if we were looking for Harry Potter. When we said yes, he directed us to the right place ("take a left, then a left, then a left"). After we finished our mini photo shoot, gryffindor scarf and all and lent out the scarf to a Harry Potter loving stranger, who returned the favor by taking a group picture, we walked to the British Library. In the library they had archives that anyone can go see, which included the Magna Carta and, my favorite, Jane Austen writings and Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. The book was open to the conclusion of Jane Eyre and I could make out some of the sentences. It was so cool to read and remember reading it in high school! Call me a nerd, but I was excited.
When we got back to the Abbey we were already tired, but had to leave in a half hour to go to the Imperial War Museum (which by the way Dad, if you are reading this, you would love it). Actually it just made me pretty sad. We went through this thing about the children in the war and were able to ask a lady that was a girl that was sent away three times during World War I. After walking through the WWI and II stuff, we went through the Holocaust part of it. It was a pretty big one and I ended up just feeling devastated and sick. We left after that because we didn't think we could handle going to the social injustice exhibit after that. When we got out of the museum, Laurel spoke the first words saying "ah group hug". And actually that was what I needed, corny or stupid as it may seem.
After dinner, because it is Friday night and wanted to go out but we were super tired and not up to going to Buckingham Palace and walking around with everyone else, a few us looked up a place to get some good FroYo. We found three places- Snog, Yog, and Fog. We went to Yog cause it was open the latest. We took the tube and figured out how to get there all by ourselves. We were pretty proud with only one or two mistakes (two if you count almost losing Courtney as she got on a tube and we didn't). All of them were like Pink Berry, if you have ever heard of that, with two flavors: Natural and Pomegranate. It was only 110 calories, skim milk, gluten free, 100% organic yummy goodness. We decided to have FroYo Friday and to try all three of the places and decide which is best.
Tomorrow we are going to Portobello Market and then in the evening Don Juan in Love! A full weekend ahead in London.

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