Sunday, August 1, 2010

Au revoir Paris

Today was our last day in Paris. We woke up really early and got to the Eiffel Tower by 8:45. We were the first in line for the stairs and we did the whole thing in a hour and a half! We climbed the stairs too..all 675 of them. You can't take stairs to the very top so we took the lift and then rode it all the way down after we were done. After that we headed to the Louvre. It is the first Sunday of the month so all the museums were free today, which is cool except that means that all the museums are freakin crowded today too. So we got to the Louvre relatively early (like an hour after it opened) and took the entrance from the metro as opposed to the pyramid entrance. We headed towards the Italian sculptures, up to the Italian paintings saw some Da Vinci's, including the Mona Lisa. Which I gotta say, isn't that impressive. I mean it's a good painting, but I liked some of his others better. But then again I'm no expert on all. After that we saw the Venus di Milo, and a bunch of others that I don't remember the name of. When we decided we had seen all we needed to see (because it was crowded and we didn't really want to just hang out in there) we headed to a little cafe and had a salad..surprisingly paleo I know. Though bread came with it. It comes with everything. We then went to a Starbucks because mom and I were dragging and we needed one. Shopping in the Louvre shops came after that and then we headed to the L'Orangerie museum. I think that was my favorite because of the Monet collection they had. The Monet paintings were by themselves in two plain white round rooms and stretched across the walls. Monet's whole idea for his painting was to relax people. So that was really cool to see. We walked back to the hotel where I, pretty much instantly fell asleep and took a nap, only to wake up and go to dinner. We went to a place close to our hotel, again recommended by Rick Steve. He said in the book that it had young waiters, so Cindy said she thought of me when picking it. There was one pretty good looking one, and ours was really nice and spoke perfect English, which is always a plus. Dinner, again, was amazing. I'm thinking that this should have been just a food blog. Well ok the food at dinner was just ok, but the dessert. My mom and I both had the mi-cuit chocolat. We saw chocolate and were like, I think we want that. (We asked the waiter what it was too, just in case). It ended up being this round little chocolate cake with melted chocolate in the middle. It came with strawberry ice-cream, but we had seen coconut ice-cream on the menu and so we switched it out for coconut. Seriously, so good. Mom said she thinks it was her favorite dessert. I can't say I disagree. Now don't get me wrong, I used to think the chocolate from Germany was the best, and it still is amazing, but I think France takes the cake (no pun intended...ok intended).
Tomorrow may be the earliest morning yet. Our cab is coming at 5 am. So I got to make sure that I'm packed and showered with my clothes out so I can wake up at 4:30 and be ready in time. Au revoir Paris, I will for sure be seeing you again. Tomorrow London and

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