Monday, August 9, 2010

Many things.

Sunday we went to the 10:30 service at Hillsong London. It is in this big theatre where during the week the musical about Queen called "We Will Rock You" plays and then on Sunday Hillsong has it's services. It was really good. I mean granted worship was like a concert, but I mean it was Hillsong so it was still really cool. The speaker spoke on Esther and living in the moment and how God is not once mentioned in the book of Esther, yet it is obvious He is present. The message was really good, and his approach was a more conversational kind of speaking. The only critical thing would be that he stumbled over what he had to say at times. And I almost hesitate to criticize that because who really cares as long as the message is strong. Then after the service Adilene, Kinsey and I went to find out if we could some how get involved with the youth ministry. It ended up taking a long time to talk to the "youth" pastor (they don't really call him that I don't think..but that is what he was) just because we had to go through a couple people. But everyone was so nice and they never left us hanging or anything they would always stand there talking with us while we waited. We met this guy named Johnny who works with the youth and he had been at Hillsong for four years. He had been in London for 12, but he was originally from Colombia! So that was exciting to hear. I told him my mom was Colombian. He asked if I spoke Spanish and then told me I needed to get on that. Also while we were waiting we met a girl in the band during our service (she was friends with Johnny). She got Kinsey's name for Facebook and said we should go to coffee sometime. If she does actually get in touch with us that would be super cool.
We finally got to talk to James, the youth pastor, but he said that because we were only staying for four months it would be really hard to get connected. And actually I think I respect them more for that. He said it would be different if we were staying for four years, because they really try to push the personal relationships with people. I definitely understand that and he seemed like a really cool guy and seemed like he had a really good heart for the youth in London. Anyways they suggested we get involved with the young adult group which meets on Fridays. We have Fridays off too so that would be cool if we did start to go.
After for talking that long we had missed Sunday lunch at Lee Abbey and went straight to Speaker's Corner where everyone was going after lunch. Speakers corner used to be a place where before the news or even newspapers politicians would come and talk about there beliefs and platforms. Now it is just a place where crazy religious people come and yell at every one. From the crazy Christian, American, Cowboy (figures right?) to the crazy Muslim man, and little old singing Jewish was an interesting spectacle to say the least. It really just got annoying and frustrating to listen to the "Christian" and Muslim yell back and forth. The only comic relief came with a funny homeless man piping in some comments. ("Did you say "piece of cod that passes understanding?"....-talking about working to get to heaven/grace- "you don't like to work either? We have that in common!")
In the evening we went to Holy Trinity Brompton a church pretty close to where we are staying. All of us (at least the people that I talked to after) really liked this service. To me it was kind of a mixture between church at home and first church in SD- it felt like home. The guy talked about John the Baptist and how what we say matters. The way he spoke is what made me criticize the guy from Hillsong. Just because the way he spoke was just a lot smoother. We talked to someone about getting involved and Adilene got some information about emailing someone because the weren't at that service.
Today was just a study day. Read the first six chapters of Great Expectations, two and a half ish acts of Merry Wives of Windsor, and some of my British Culture book. But tonight John Neiemeyer had a lay over in London for the night so him Kinsey and I went out to eat and to get some fro yo. We had no idea where to go eat so we just went to where the fro yo was and ended up eating at Pretz. Kinsey and I got a salad that was so good! It was so refreshing to not have a carb overload. Then fro yo of course was amazing.
It was also really nice to be able to talk to John and hear some of his crazy stories. From his 28 day adventure riding motorcycles through Africa and his amazing stories about Bob Goff and what Restore International is doing to what food we need to experience when we go back San Diego. It was a really good night. And tomorrow besides some more homework, we get to go watch a show on BBC being filmed! That should be really cool to see.

oh some other exciting news...a guy from Hungary that works here happens to have a bunch of television series on his hard drive..and happens to have season three of gossip girl!! woohooo cant wait to finish it :) I know I know..I'm ridiculous.

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