Friday, August 27, 2010

Like I always say "A night isn't good unless it ends in a dance party." *

So tonight was definitely my favorite night on this trip so far. We went to the most amazing play, Fuente Ovejune, that turned into a dance party at both intermission and the end. And the crowd were literally in the play. Yes, we were the towns people but it was more than that. We chanted, sang along, threw murdering stones (water balloons), claimed the murder, and celebrated our freedom. It was amazing. The music during the play consisted of modern songs, ones of which I knew the words to sometimes and we were encouraged to sing along. We laughed, got angry, felt disgusted and the atrocities happening to our fellow townspeople. I think one of the most powerful scenes is when a girl comes back on stage from being raped. She's sang a part of Damien Rice's song "I remember". It was so sad. Then ended it all with a great dance party that lasted quite a while. And let me just say that the rest of the audience (the whole audience was probably only 5o people) would not have joined in the dancing had not the crazy American girls gotten up and started dancing with the cast. California Girls- We're unforgettable. But after all that description I'm guessing you want to know what the plot of the play was. Fuente Ovejune is a town in Spain and the Lord over that town is abusing his right of owning every thing they have by raping all of the women. He takes a the mayor's daughter right after her wedding and tries to rape her. That was the last straw for the towns people. They then plot to murder him. After murdering him the King and Queen send a judge to figure out who is to be blamed. When asked who killed the lord, we all answered "Fuente Ovejune did it." Then the King and Queen were told of the things he did to us and we were free from charges (hence the fat dance party at the end).
I could talk about the rest of my day before this, that consisted of going to Canterbury and eating the best scones ever, but it's midnight and I'm sweaty and smelling and tired. Time to take a shower and go to bed. I have to get up for ends at 9.

Picture: Alyssa and me eating tea sandwiches (more like teeny weenie sandwiches...)
*I've never said that before.

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