Saturday, July 31, 2010

Versailles: "Have not bread? Let them eat cake." *

So we got to sleep in today ( I got up at 7:45). We ate breakfast at the hotel and then went to get on a train to Versaille, home to the palace that Louis XIV built to get away from the capital, but famous for Louis XVI and Marie-Antionette. The palace was really cool, mainly because I read a biography in a journal form of Marie-Antionette when I was in fourth grade and have been interested in her ever since. After the palace we went and saw her estates a few miles away (with the gardens in between). She had her own "hamlet" (which I guess is what a village in Austria was called...she was Austrian) that she could run away to, along with two other mini palaces that were already built. The hamlet looked like a place out of Snow White. It was really cute, but at the same time kind of depressing to think about how she made that world to run away and not deal with her country. (If you know nothing of French history, her and her husband reigned during the French Revolution and were horrible monarchs and got beheaded).
After we were done with that we ate at a place recommended by Rick Steve's again. Seriously that guy has not done us wrong. If you are traveling somewhere I recommend his guide. It was called Chez Lazare and it was good. For dessert we split french toast with vanilla ice cream and homemade caramel on top. Then we took the train back to Paris, and got off at an earlier stop so we could walk under the Eiffel Tour on our way back to the hotel.
Tomorrow we wake up early to try and beat a huge line to go up the Eiffel Tour and go to the Louvre. Last day in Paris tomorrow. Monday morning brings beautiful, English speaking London to our eyes.

* a famous quote from Marie-Antionette, but she never actually said that.

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