Friday, July 30, 2010

Je' mappelle Sophie Roux, comment allez-vous?

Ah yes Paris. I've been looking forward to Paris this whole time, and it didn't disappoint. I think Paris is my favorite place yet. It's so beautiful and everyone is nice (yes, father, the French are nice). The chocolate? freaking amazing. Today my mom and I had a banana and nutella crepe while waiting in line to climb the stairs up Notre Dame. It was so good. Did it start making me sick half way through? yes. Did I finish all but about three bites? Of course. We got into Paris from the train station around noon. Yes, we went to the wrong seats on the train again, and a guy fell into my mom's lap while walking. It was actually really funny, but he seemed kind of embarrassed. I would be too. We got to the hotel and our room wasn't ready so we stored our luggage and set off. We first went Notre Dame, where we went up and down 379 steps (mom counted) then to Saint- Chappelle Cathedral, then Starbucks (it was necessary), then a little shopping. While shopping, we made our way towards the Arc de Triomphe. We stopped on our way at this restaurant that is also a culinary school below the restaurant. It was so good. Really every meal we've had has been so good, but again, this meal was great. (Let me just say that Europe is a paleo nightmare...and it's awesome.) We then walked briskly to the arch because we didn't want it to close and climbed up the steps and took pictures. Then grabbed the metro and went back to our hotel. I would estimate we climbed about 1000 stairs today and my feet are feelin it. I was also so freakin hot when we finally got in our room (we had a little key problem...we would) I jumped in the shower faster than I have ever done before. And now for bed. We are going to Versailles tomorrow to see Marie Antoinette's Palace.
ps the title is from a song that's been stuck in my head since we got to France
pps the picture was taken from the top of the arc