Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lugano and Strasbourg

Swiss French, Swiss German...Swiss Italian. I think Switzerland needs it's own language. But early Wednesday morning we hopped on a train to Lugano, Switzerland with a transfer in Milan...(does that count as having been to Milan?). With the only mishap being in the wrong seats on the train at one point, we made it with out difficulty to Lugano for the night. (We even met a little family from San Jose sitting next to us on the train...oh even more random is that we met a couple that grew up in Durham in Venice). Anyways Lugano was a nice, laid back town that we only had the evening to spend time in. So we had a nice dinner, some gelato of course, and went on a funicilor (train thing) up the mountain to see the whole city and lake. Then again woke up early and hopped on another train headed toward Strasbourg, France. This trip was a little longer, but went fine as well. I actually think I like riding trains and if I ever have to use the train system in Europe again by myself, I think I could do it and know what to ask for/about.
Strasbourg, I think, may be one of my favorite places. We are in the area called "Petite France" and Cindy got us a stay at the Regent Hotel with her flying points. And it is a really nice hotel and the people are so nice. There is a young guy that would be pretty attractive to if he would just do something about his eyebrows....but he has a nice smile. haha
Sorry, back on track. We went and visited a really big cathedral here, that apparently is where Martin Luther hung is 99 thesis up on the door. I think I liked this cathedral better than the ones in Venice just because it seemed they seemed more legit in their religion. Granted it talked about how on judgment day, Jesus doesn't judge anyone (because there was a statue thing of Jesus on judgment day). But everything else seemed pretty worshipful to Jesus, where as all the other Cathedrals were all about the relics and treasure they had acquired.
After the cathedral we went to dinner where both Rick Steve's and Thomas (mr eyebrow, cute smile, reception guy) suggested. It was so good. I had coq au raisle with spaitz. (pronounce coco..I know I thought it too). It was chicken with raisle sauce ( some cream sauce cooked with white wine) and spaitzle (German noodles...I love German noodles). We also went to this little bakery and got THE best dessert. One thing was called an Opera and it was like a chocolate/ tiramisu thing, another was the best brownie I have ever had, and then a chocolate cupcake like thing with powdered sugar on top and dark chocolate in the middle. Did I feel sick after? Yes. Was it worth it? Abso-freakin-lutely. Also they were smallish and we split them three ways..rationalization makes me feel better.
Tomorrow we, again, get up early for the train. Paris, here we come. Our last stop before London.
ps the picture is taken in Strasbourg

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