Monday, July 26, 2010

Day one of Venice

Today we decided to just walk around Venice with no real plans. So we slept in and had breakfast at our hotel at 9. The breakfast reminded me of Germany because it was a couple different types of bread and a bunch of spreads you could put on it (including Nutella..which was my choice) and then some yogurt if you wanted. Came back to the room and took our time getting ready, my mom and I were still pretty groggy though Cindy had been up since 7 ready to go. We left around 11:30 and began walking around. We weren't really worried about getting lost since we didn't have any particular destinations we wanted to go, but we had a map so we knew where things were. Saying Venice is pretty is obviously an understatement. The building are so cool and the fact that the streets are canals is pretty much amazing. For a snack before we ate lunch we found a little outside market place that sold fruit so we bought some of that. If anyone knows my mom and Cindy, they know that they have never met a stranger, so we ended up asking a local where we should go to lunch at. He gave us a name and the area a place was and we set off to find it while stopping in a church and a couple shops along the way. I know when I get lost it doesn't really mean something is hard to find, I just get lost super easy. But Cindy usually is really good with directions (my mom is worse than me I think) so I have come to the conclusion that the walk ways in Venice are just super confusing. Needless to say we got lost. a lot. And asked multiple people (each time making a new friend) for directions. When we finally got to that specific was closed for renovations. By that time we were starving so we just found a sandwich shop and ate there. It was about four when we left the sandwich shop and we decided to head back. We got some gelatto from a nice guy in one of the many places to get ice cream and also looked in a couple cool shops along the way. And we got lost...again. A lot.(but again we met some fun people..a group of Belgian kids were on a photo scavenger hunt..I think..and took a picture of giving me some pastry). It was the happiest feeling to walk into the campo our hotel is in and see our hotel. My mom and I were tired so we laid down while Cindy (still going) went up and asked the lady in the common room (it's not really a lobby) where a good place to eat that was close was. She told us about a place right across the court yard and that's where we went. It was good, but my digestive system is not doing well with all the bread and nonpaleo things I have eaten today.
We're going to bed relatively early tonight so we can get up early and hit some churches and museums before the crowds tomorrow.

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