Saturday, October 2, 2010

Travel travel travel. return.

I found this on the way home and decided it is my new motto for life.
Our week off was nice, but in all honesty by the time it was over I was way ready to come back to London. The best place was the first place: Stratford. It was a great little town and while we were there a big farmer's market and food festival was going on. We got to go to Warwick Castle and see Eat. Pray. Love. also. The place we stayed was a great little bed and breakfast.
My favorite picture from Warwick Castle:
And then we went to Liverpool. I think this city has great potential to be super fun and cool. If I had one word to describe it I would say grungy. But I really liked the grunge factor of it. Unfortunately we were there on Monday and there was really just nothing to do or going on. So it was kind of a failure/ disappointment.
Laurel and I at the docks

Bath was next and while we were there we took a day to go to Stonehenge and some other places. Just like it looks- it is just a bunch of rocks in a field that you have to stay 20 ft away from. But still cool to say you've seen it I guess.

Most exciting part of that exploration out of bath? The little town of Lacomb. Presenting James and Lily Potter's house:

Then we stopped off at Castle Comb a cute little place many things are filmed. Last week Spielberg was there filming Warhorse- a play we are going to see soon actually.

And that's pretty much it. We are back in London not wanting to do homework. At a new place called the Highbury Center. It's nice, but different and I think we all miss Lee Abbey. Number one problem: the wifii in the rooms. We have to go hook up down in the basement library (and I live on the third floor). Problem number two: for four girls we have one small closet and one dresser to keep things in. Problem number three: the lack of motivation to do anything. But that's not Highbury's fault. Coming back from this trip made me realize how much I hate doing school work. Combine that with the stress of being in a new place that doesn't fit your every desire and it makes for a grumpy Kaitlyn. So prayer request: that I 1) get motivated 2) not stress 3) live it up 4) enjoy my time 5) live and love GOD by focusing on all the blessing He has given me on this trip (that should probably be number 1).
I miss all of you.

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