Monday, March 14, 2011

I think I have ADD

So I am trying to write this analysis on Hard Times by Charles Dickens, but usually when writing papers I write for a bit, then go look on Facebook for a distraction. Well I gave that up for Lent along with Twitter- so because I can't stand to look at my paper for more then ten minutes, I'm going to go back and forth between it and this.

I got back from spring break last night at 11pm. I hate that long drive, but if it must be done at least it was done with three other friends. But that's not what I was thinking as I was getting ready for bed last night.
It went more like: I have so much crap to do. I'm so tired. I want to go back home. I hate school. I wish I wouldn't have wasted my whole day in a car.
But there were benefits in my staying so long in Oroville. Dennis' sermon was a big one. He talked about having questions that we can't find the answer to and having faith. Sound familiar? Well it does to me- seeing that the question of faith has been a big one lately. He even used the same verse I used while giving my testimony during half time at a couple Upward games. Hebrews 11:1- Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you can not see.
Dennis ended with pointing out that we need to desire God more than the answers. God can see the answer to the problem that we are facing- and it takes faith to focus on Him instead.

This morning I had a hard time getting up- like most mornings. But because I couldn't get distracted with Facebook, I was able to have some devo time. God convicted me of searching for answers by asking every wise person I know, but not spending time with Him in the Word. I still think it's good to ask people who are farther along the road then you and reading Christian books, but when it comes down to it- I need to spend time with God: the one that actually knows the answer. Simple, but easy to forget.

On an encouraging note- I got a bunch of donations for my Loveworks trip in the mail. I cannot express how blessed I am to live in such a generous family and Church family. I am amazed and know not what to say. (that's a line from a movie- I don't talk like that).

And so my paper is finished and so am I. I had an amazing spring break and really do wish I could go back, but I'm here and going to make the best of it by spending time with God.

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