Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's been a long time.

So wow. I haven't written here in a long time. Well let's talk about those reasons. This week I had two presentations. One for my theatre and drama in Great Britain class on Tuesday and one for my sociology class this morning. Also this weekend my parents were here! Tack all those things on the massive amount of homework I have anywaysssss and you get me never having time to write my blog. But here I am done with my presentations, aced my theatre 101 final, Shakespeare class canceled tomorrow, and Scotland this weekend!!! What what! I'm excited for that.
Also I had a great time with my parents this weekend, even though I was a bit stressed I wasn't working on homework. We went out to eat and saw Phantom of the Opera the night they got in. So they were pretty tired and kept falling asleep, but it was sooo good. Raul was so amazing. Though I actually liked Christine better in the movie. We went to Cambridge on Saturday and my dad's business partner John and his wife and kids (wife, Susan, son Oliver age 11 and daughter Alice age 7) showed us around. We took a little boat ride on the river that toured the back of like 7 of the main colleges in the University. Cambridge has like 30 colleges within it, the smallest consisting of like 60-70 students to the largest like 15,000 (I think that's what he said, but he could have said 2000..which is a big difference). Oh and the tour guide also showed us a spot where they filmed a Harry Potter scene, but he didn't say which movie and he started out his sentence by saying "and for the children.." I was like "children?!" haha. I'm embarrassing.
Anyways after that we walked around then went to the village we were staying in by John's village. It is called Swayfield and we stayed in a little inn/pub. We had dinner there. It was really fun being able to talk to there little family. I think learning about the culture here is so interesting, especially since I have a class on it.
Sunday morning we took a walk with John and his dog through the country side. So beautiful. Reminded me of Iowa kind of. It was so nice and I really didn't want to go back to school and all the homework I had. But after we visited a little castle and had a small lunch I was back on the train to London. I stayed up till 1am every night since then doing homework, but noowww I feel so relieved!!
Last night we saw a play called Earthquakes In London. It was very much a green peace/the world is going to end if we don't get rid of our carbon footprint. But it was still really good and really well done. I cried. It was definitely powerful and really opened my eyes to how much power the theatre can have as a voice for people. Tonight we go see Henry IV part 1 which I must say I didn't finish reading before we had the quiz and completely guessed on four questions and got them right! ha, man that is good stuff. That and I studied maybe an hour for my theatre 101 final and got a 95%. God loves me. That's all I'm saying. (it's not like I'm lazy-I was working on all my other homework and my presentations).
This morning was great. Got my presentation out of the way. Went on a four mile run with Laurel then did some situps and little stuff. Rinsed off, went to whole foods and made a yummy salad and bought a little bread and grapes, came back and watched the season premiere of Gossip Girl! (ahh chuck!)
Theatre 101 is done now and I don't have Shakespeare class tomorrow so I just started my weekend on a Wednesday morning. That's beautiful.
Oh I have also booked a ticket to Frankfurt and Dublin :D yay for travel time!!
Tomorrow morning I see my parents off as the fly back home :( I really didn't get to hang out with them enough. I feel like seeing them for such a short time kind of makes me miss them more. I hadn't really thought about it enough to miss them before.
Oh well. I have so many adventures to come! And I will try to write them down here more often!!

*picture: random Barclay bank advertising guys outside the tube station. We decided to take a picture with them. They were hilarious and decided to protect us as we crossed the street. One also new of the San Diego Chargers. Impressive I say.

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