Saturday, November 8, 2014

Taking the Initiative

So there have been a few reoccurring themes happening since I have moved back up to Northern California, and this one relates to teaching the most I think. It's my need to take initiative. I just need to do. If I want to do more in the classroom I observe in, I need to do it. Chris leaves the door wide open for me to be involved and welcomes it when I am. But she can only do so much for me. I need to speak up. I need to get involved. I had to take roll the other day in the film class, and I tried to hand it off to one of the senior boys. He said no, I should do it. His friend said "You're the adult in here. We believe in you." The last comment was funny and nice, but also a weird moment. I worked for the YMCA in their before and after school program down in San Diego, and I just got hired to do the same thing for CARD (Chico area recreation and park district). In that setting, it is obvious that I am the adult. Though I am seeing in this new position with CARD that I need to take more initiative with the kids instead of seeing what the other staff does. But still, again, I am obviously the adult compared to the K-6th graders. In a classroom with senior boys and girls who are all taller than me and half of them look my age, I am still the adult. I know that when I am forced in a situation, I can take initiative. But I think an area that I need to grow is being able to take charge even when there are other people there that are able. I shouldn't always wait for someone else to take control.
This concept of taking initiative, of being bold really, will play out into much more of my life than teaching. But it will definitely make me a better teacher. It will give me the centered aspect that multiple of my books this semester have said a teacher needs to have. I think this new job with CARD and my continued observation hours will give me more opportunities to practice this before I start my student teaching next semester.

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