Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Something to Remember

Last Wednesday was a super fun day to observe. Usually, I just kind of hang out, listening, looking at their assignment, reading through a few essays. But I got to participate in the conversation on Wednesday. Chris is totally open to me participating at any time, but Wednesday, I don't know, I just decided to speak out. The students were working on a paragraph about how slavery changed Mrs. Auld in Frederick Douglass' slave narrative, using quotes and commentary, etc. The student teacher Gina was leading the discussion while Chris was writing down what they said on the computer which was displayed on the board up front.
This is what I noticed: Chris had this certain idea in her head that she wanted the students to get to. She had her ideas about why Mrs. Auld changed, and because she was working so hard to get her thoughts out, she stopped listening to the students. Gina would call on students, they would say their opinion and it was like Chris didn't hear them. She didn't write down what they said, and at times would shut their idea down. It wasn't malicious at all, but I think the students could tell that she had something in her head that she wanted them to get to. And after awhile of not getting it, fewer suggestions and opinions from the students came forth. I didn't say anything profound. In fact, Chris shut my idea down too. But I wanted to help, and I wanted to affirm some of the students. So I chose a girl whom Chris had unintentionally ignored and affirmed her thought and tried to twist it into what I thought Chris might have been getting at. Like I said, I wasn't right in Chris' mind. But I hope that girl felt valued. The paragraph didn't get finished, and Chris had Gina and I finish it for them so they could see an example (as their homework was to write a paragraph like that themselves. We came up with something that satisfied Chris, and that was the end of that.
I don't write this with any negative feelings toward Chris. I could say how that was awful of her, and I will never do that as a teacher. But I can't say that because I totally get it. I have had moments when I am trying to put a thought to words, and people are suggesting ideas or sharing their thoughts and I'm not even listening. I am really glad that I got to see this happen because it's something I never saw becoming a problem. I hope to remember this moment so I can be more self aware when I am teaching. I think what Chris did was a very human thing to do, and I don't blame her. But I want to learn from her mistakes as well as her successes- because that's what observing is about.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Glimpse Into the Future

It has been cool to be able to observe in a classroom with a student teacher. Gina is in the Mascot program, so it will be a little different when I go into the student teaching program. I won't be teaching as much right off the bat, and I'll switch classes and possibly schools at the semester. I'm sure there are more differences, but those are the big ones that I know at least. But it is still really nice to talk to her about her experience so far. She has been reassuring in telling me that though it is a lot of work, she's having a lot of fun. And I can see that in the way she interacts with the students. They ask her if she is going to the football game that week. They try to give her nicknames like "G Spice" (Gina Spadorcio is her name). Not only is it evident that she likes her students, but they also really like her. There is a lot of laughter in the classroom. She helps build that family that Chris talked to me about.

I know that I am not going to have the same experience as Gina. I'm not Gina; I'm not in the Mascot program, and I'm going to have Chris as my master teacher. But it is still nice to observe someone who is just a semester ahead of you on the journey. It's encouraging. And I look forward to becoming more a part of Chris and Gina's classroom as the semester goes on. I can feel myself becoming more comfortable around the students, and I hope that there are more lessons that I am able to help out with in some way.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Unique Creature Known As a "Freshman Boy"

I got the chance to observe one of Chris' regular freshman English classes. Not only was this class not the honors class, but I came for 7th period on a Friday. The difference between the honors class and the regular class was to be expected and though a little nuts, not as frightening to me as I thought it would be.

At the beginning of class they were to write down definitions of words that were going to show up in the book they were about to read: Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglas. Chris and her co teacher Gina had to work so hard to get the class, specifically the boys, to quiet down and write their definitions. I thought this was a really good idea though because it would help with their comprehension of a pretty heavy book. Later they began reading the book out loud, and whenever a vocabulary word was read someone would say "ding ding" and point it out. They finally quieted down as Chris read the first part of the narrative out loud, and some even had some interesting questions to ask about slave laws at the time.

All in all I think Chris and Gina did a good job and managing the students, but I think I would have to do something different. It took them a really long time to get started, and too much chaos stresses me out. It also really bothers me if someone makes light of something so serious, and sitting where I was I heard a few inappropriate jokes about whipping and abuse. I plan to make it really clear that my one rule is about respect - respecting others, your surroundings, and yourself. But I also understand that the freshman boy is a unique creature of whom I have little understanding. And I might be lucky to get as far as Chris has gotten in managing them. I find them hilarious, frustrating, and ridiculous all at the same time. Gina told me she has a word document where she writes down the different ridiculous stuff they say. I love that. And as crazy as that 7th period class was, I look forward to getting to interact with students like that. I'm sure there will be many days that I do not look forward to it, but I hope to keep my sense of humor with me and am able to laugh things off and start over the next day.

I also got the chance to do some paper editing, first with the honors class papers and then with a regular class paper. The paper from the student in regular English 9 was pretty bad. I didn't really know where to begin. That is honestly going to be the hardest part of teaching for me I think. I'm going to want to have one on one meetings with every students to go over their papers, and I don't know if I would have enough time for that. But I have time to figure it out. And I'm glad to be observing in a class to see how Chris deals with it.